politopix  4.1.0
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Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // politopix allows to make computations on polytopes such as finding vertices, intersecting, Minkowski sums, ...
2 // Copyright (C) 2011-2016 : Delos Vincent
3 //
4 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 // (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 //
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 //
19 // I2M (UMR CNRS 5295 / University of Bordeaux)
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <sstream>
23 #include <vector>
24 #include <math.h>
25 #include <numeric>
26 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
27 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp>
28 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/operation.hpp>
29 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>
30 #include <boost/timer.hpp>
31 #include "Rn.h"
32 #include "Polytope_Rn.h"
33 #include "IO_Polytope.h"
34 #include "NormalFan_Rn.h"
37 //typedef std::vector< unsigned int > ListOfFaces;
40 void FaceEnumeration::Compute(const boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& thisPolytope) {
41  FaceEnumeration FE(thisPolytope);
42  FaceEnumeration::ComputeWithFacets(thisPolytope, FE);
43  FaceEnumeration::ComputeWithVertices(thisPolytope, FE);
44 }
46 void FaceEnumeration::Compute(const boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& thisPolytope, FaceEnumeration& FaceEnum) {
47  FaceEnumeration::ComputeWithFacets(thisPolytope, FaceEnum);
48  FaceEnumeration::ComputeWithVertices(thisPolytope, FaceEnum);
49 }
51 void FaceEnumeration::ComputeWithFacets(const boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& thisPolytope, FaceEnumeration& FaceEnum) {
52  unsigned int RnDIM = Rn::getDimension();
53  FaceEnum._allFacesWithFacets.clear();
54  std::set< ListOfFaces > allPotentialFaces;
55  std::vector< ListOfFaces > thisListOfFacetsPerVertices;
56  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> > constITER_GN1(thisPolytope->getListOfGenerators());
57  {for (constITER_GN1.begin(); constITER_GN1.end()!=true; constITER_GN1.next()) {
58  unsigned int NbFacets = constITER_GN1.current()->numberOfFacets();
59  ListOfFaces thisListOfFaces;
60  {for (unsigned int j=0; j<NbFacets; j++) {
61  unsigned int NbFj = thisPolytope->getHalfSpaceNumber( constITER_GN1.current()->getFacet(j) );
62  // GenPerFacet: number(HalfSpace_Rn) => {Generator_Rn_0, Generator_Rn_1, Generator_Rn_2, ...}
63  thisListOfFaces.push_back( NbFj );
64  }}
65  thisListOfFacetsPerVertices.push_back( thisListOfFaces );
66  allPotentialFaces.insert(thisListOfFaces);
67  }}
68  FaceEnum._allFacesWithFacets.push_back( thisListOfFacetsPerVertices );
69  //std::cout << "RnDIM = " << RnDIM << std::endl;
70  {for (unsigned int dimensionOfFace=1; dimensionOfFace<=RnDIM; ++dimensionOfFace) {
71  //std::cout << std::endl << "D=" << dimensionOfFace << std::endl;
72  std::vector< ListOfFaces > kp1_Faces;
73  std::set< ListOfFaces > kp1_FacesSet;
74  std::vector< ListOfFaces >& k_Faces = FaceEnum._allFacesWithFacets[dimensionOfFace-1];
75  std::vector< ListOfFaces >::iterator it1 = k_Faces.begin(), it2 = k_Faces.begin();
76  for (it1 = k_Faces.begin(); it1 != k_Faces.end(); ) {
77  // To know whether we had to move forward.
78  bool it1StepForward = false;
79  for (it2 = it1+1; it2 != k_Faces.end(); ) {
80  std::vector< unsigned int > interFace;
81  std::set_intersection(it1->begin(), it1->end(), it2->begin(), it2->end(), std::inserter(interFace, interFace.end()));
82  // Check whether this face as already been processed.
83  //std::cout << std::endl << "| it1 = { ";
84  //std::copy(it1->begin(), it1->end(), std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int>(std::cout, " ") );
85  //std::cout << "} INTER it2 = { ";
86  //std::copy(it2->begin(), it2->end(), std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int>(std::cout, " ") );
87  //std::cout << "} = { ";
88  //std::copy(interFace.begin(), interFace.end(), std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int>(std::cout, " ") );
89  //std::cout << "} ";
90  //std::cout << "inserted ";
91  if (interFace.empty() == false) {
92  if (interFace == *it2) {
93  it2 = k_Faces.erase(it2);
94  //std::cout << "(it2 erased) ";
95  }
96  else
97  ++it2;
98  if (interFace == *it1) {
99  it1 = k_Faces.erase(it1);
100  //std::cout << "(it1 erased) ";
101  it1StepForward = true;
102  if (it1 != k_Faces.end())
103  it2 = it1+1;
104  }
105  //std::cout << "in kp1 ";
106  // Check it was not already in.
107  if (kp1_FacesSet.insert(interFace).second == true)
108  kp1_Faces.push_back(interFace);
109  }
110  else {
111  //std::cout << "empty intersection ";
112  ++it2;
113  }
114  } // for (it2 = k_Faces.begin(); it2 != k_Faces.end(); ) {
115  // Only move forward iif we didn't do it before.
116  if (it1StepForward == false)
117  ++it1;
118  }
119  FaceEnum._allFacesWithFacets.push_back(kp1_Faces);
120  }}
121  //FaceEnum.printFacesWithFacets(std::cout);
122 }
124 void FaceEnumeration::ComputeWithVertices(const boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& thisPolytope, FaceEnumeration& FaceEnum) {
125  unsigned int nbHS = thisPolytope->numberOfHalfSpaces();
126  FaceEnum._allFacesWithVertices.clear();
127  FaceEnum._allFacesWithVertices.resize(Rn::getDimension()+1);
128  // number(HalfSpace_Rn0) => {Generator_Rn0*, Generator_Rn1*, Generator_Rn2*, ...}
129  std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > allGenPerHS;
130  {for (unsigned int j=0; j<nbHS; ++j) {
131  std::vector< unsigned int > genSet;
132  allGenPerHS.push_back(genSet);
133  }}
135  unsigned int generatorNumber=0;
136  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> > iteGN(thisPolytope->getListOfGenerators());
137  {for (iteGN.begin(); iteGN.end()!=true; iteGN.next()) {
138  {for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<iteGN.current()->numberOfFacets(); ii++) {
139  unsigned int fctNumber = thisPolytope->getHalfSpaceNumber( iteGN.current()->getFacet(ii) );
140  allGenPerHS[fctNumber].push_back( iteGN.currentIteratorNumber() );
141  }}
142  ++generatorNumber;
143  }}
145  unsigned int dim = 0;
146  std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > >::const_iterator iteF;
147  for (iteF=FaceEnum._allFacesWithFacets.begin(); iteF!=FaceEnum._allFacesWithFacets.end(); ++iteF) {
148  //this_ostream << "F" << dim << ": ";
149  std::vector< ListOfFaces >::const_iterator iteFF;
150  for (iteFF=iteF->begin(); iteFF!=iteF->end(); ++iteFF) {
151  ListOfFaces::const_iterator iteFFF;
152  //this_ostream << " { ";
153  iteFFF=iteFF->begin();
154  std::vector< unsigned int > INTER = allGenPerHS[*iteFFF];
155  ++iteFFF;
156  for (; iteFFF!=iteFF->end(); ++iteFFF) {
157  //this_ostream << *iteFFF << " ";
158  std::vector< unsigned int > partial_INTER;
159  std::set_intersection(INTER.begin(), INTER.end(),
160  allGenPerHS[*iteFFF].begin(), allGenPerHS[*iteFFF].end(),
161  std::inserter(partial_INTER, partial_INTER.end()));
162  INTER = partial_INTER;
163  }
164  FaceEnum._allFacesWithVertices[dim].push_back(INTER);
165  //std::copy(INTER.begin(), INTER.end(), std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int>(std::cout, " ") );
166  //this_ostream << "} ";
167  }
168  //this_ostream << std::endl;
169  ++dim;
170  }
171 }
173 void FaceEnumeration::printFacesWithFacets(std::ostream &this_ostream) const {
174  unsigned int dim = 0, allSizes = 0;
175  std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > >::const_iterator iteF;
176  for (iteF=_allFacesWithFacets.begin(); iteF!=_allFacesWithFacets.end(); ++iteF) {
177  allSizes = allSizes + iteF->size();
178  }
179  // Add the empty polytope and the total polytope.
180  allSizes = allSizes + 2;
181  this_ostream << "FaceEnumeration::printFacesWithFacets, total number of elements = " << allSizes << std::endl;
182  for (iteF=_allFacesWithFacets.begin(); iteF!=_allFacesWithFacets.end(); ++iteF) {
183  this_ostream << "F" << dim << ": ";
184  std::vector< ListOfFaces >::const_iterator iteFF;
185  for (iteFF=iteF->begin(); iteFF!=iteF->end(); ++iteFF) {
186  ListOfFaces::const_iterator iteFFF;
187  this_ostream << " { ";
188  for (iteFFF=iteFF->begin(); iteFFF!=iteFF->end(); ++iteFFF) {
189  this_ostream << *iteFFF << " ";
190  }
191  this_ostream << "} ";
192  }
193  this_ostream << std::endl;
194  ++dim;
195  }
196 }
198 void FaceEnumeration::printFacesWithVertices(std::ostream &this_ostream) const {
199  unsigned int dim = 0, allSizes = 0;
200  std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > >::const_iterator iteF;
201  for (iteF=_allFacesWithVertices.begin(); iteF!=_allFacesWithVertices.end(); ++iteF) {
202  allSizes = allSizes + iteF->size();
203  }
204  // Add the empty polytope and the total polytope.
205  allSizes = allSizes + 2;
206  this_ostream << "FaceEnumeration::printFacesWithVertices, total number of elements = " << allSizes << std::endl;
207  for (iteF=_allFacesWithVertices.begin(); iteF!=_allFacesWithVertices.end(); ++iteF) {
208  this_ostream << "F" << dim << ": ";
209  std::vector< ListOfFaces >::const_iterator iteFF;
210  for (iteFF=iteF->begin(); iteFF!=iteF->end(); ++iteFF) {
211  ListOfFaces::const_iterator iteFFF;
212  this_ostream << " { ";
213  for (iteFFF=iteFF->begin(); iteFFF!=iteFF->end(); ++iteFFF) {
214  this_ostream << *iteFFF << " ";
215  }
216  this_ostream << "} ";
217  }
218  this_ostream << std::endl;
219  ++dim;
220  }
221 }
223 void FaceEnumeration::printFacesWithVerticesToSage(std::ostream &this_ostream) const {
224  unsigned int dim = 0, allSizes = 0;
225  std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > >::const_iterator iteF;
226  for (iteF=_allFacesWithVertices.begin(); iteF!=_allFacesWithVertices.end(); ++iteF) {
227  allSizes = allSizes + iteF->size();
228  }
229  // Add the empty polytope and the total polytope.
230  allSizes = allSizes + 2;
231  this_ostream << "FaceEnumeration::printFacesWithVerticesToSage, total number of elements = " << allSizes << std::endl;
232  for (iteF=_allFacesWithVertices.begin(); iteF!=_allFacesWithVertices.end(); ++iteF) {
233  this_ostream << "F" << dim << ": " << std::endl;
234  std::vector< ListOfFaces >::const_iterator iteFF;
235  //std::cout << "ok "; //@
236  std::vector< ListOfFaces >::const_iterator stopFF=iteF->end()-1;
237  //std::cout << ", stopFF=" << std::endl; //@
238  for (iteFF=iteF->begin(); iteFF!=stopFF && iteFF!=iteF->end(); ++iteFF) {
239  ListOfFaces::const_iterator iteFFF, stopFFF=iteFF->end()-1;
240  this_ostream << "(";
241  for (iteFFF=iteFF->begin(); iteFFF!=stopFFF; ++iteFFF) {
242  this_ostream << *iteFFF << ", ";
243  }
244  this_ostream << *iteFFF << "), ";
245  }
246  //std::cout << "ok2 " << std::endl; //@
247  // Print the last one.
248  if (iteFF!=iteF->end()) {
249  ListOfFaces::const_iterator iteFFF, stopFFF=iteFF->end()-1;
250  this_ostream << "(";
251  for (iteFFF=iteFF->begin(); iteFFF!=stopFFF; ++iteFFF) {
252  this_ostream << *iteFFF << ", ";
253  }
254  this_ostream << *iteFFF << ") ";
255  }
256  //std::cout << "ok3 " << std::endl; //@
257  this_ostream << std::endl;
258  ++dim;
259  }
260 }
262 void FaceEnumeration::load(const std::string& filename, std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > >& latt)
263  throw (std::ios_base::failure) {
264  std::ifstream file(filename.c_str(), std::ifstream::in);
265  if (!file) {
266  std::string s("Unable to open ");
267  s += filename;
268  s += "\n";
269  throw std::ios_base::failure(s);
270  }
271  FaceEnumeration::load(file, latt);
272  file.close();
273 }
275 void FaceEnumeration::save(const std::string& filename, const std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > >& latt) {
276  std::ofstream file(filename.c_str());
277  if (!file) {
278  std::string s("Unable to open ");
279  s += filename;
280  s += "\n";
281  throw std::ios_base::failure(s);
282  }
283  FaceEnumeration::save(file, latt);
284  file.close();
285 }
287 void FaceEnumeration::load(std::istream& this_stream, std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > >& latt)
288  throw (std::out_of_range){
289  std::string line;
290  // Read the comment line.
291  std::getline(this_stream, line);
292  // Get the 2 integers : space dimension, number of faces.
293  std::getline(this_stream, line);
294  std::istringstream iline(line);
295  unsigned int spaceDimension, totalNumberOfFaces;
296  iline >> spaceDimension;
297  iline >> totalNumberOfFaces;
298  latt.resize(spaceDimension+1);
299  unsigned nbReadFaces = 0;
300  while (nbReadFaces != totalNumberOfFaces) {
301  ListOfFaces thisOne;
302  std::getline(this_stream, line);
303  std::istringstream iline3(line);
304  unsigned int dimensionOfFace, numberOfVtx, val;
305  iline3 >> dimensionOfFace;
306  iline3 >> numberOfVtx;
307  if (dimensionOfFace > spaceDimension) {
308  std::string errorMsg("FaceEnumeration::load() wrong face dimension");
309  throw std::out_of_range(errorMsg);
310  }
311  // dimensionOfFace numberOfVtx a0 a1 ... an
312  for (unsigned int count=0; count<numberOfVtx; ++count) {
313  iline3 >> val;
314  thisOne.push_back(val);
315  }
316  latt[dimensionOfFace].push_back(thisOne);
317  ++nbReadFaces;
318  }
319 }
321 void FaceEnumeration::save(std::ostream& this_stream, const std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > >& latt) {
322  unsigned int allSizes = 0;
323  std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > >::const_iterator iteF;
324  for (iteF=latt.begin(); iteF!=latt.end(); ++iteF) {
325  allSizes = allSizes + iteF->size();
326  }
327  // Don't add the empty polytope and the total polytope.
328  //allSizes = allSizes + 2;
329  //this_ostream << "FaceEnumeration::printFacesWithFacets, total number of elements = " << allSizes << std::endl;
330  unsigned int spaceDimension = Rn::getDimension();
331  unsigned int totalNumberOfFaces = allSizes;
332  this_stream << "# Dimension LatticeSize" << std::endl;
333  this_stream << spaceDimension << " ";
334  this_stream << totalNumberOfFaces << std::endl;
335  unsigned dimReadFaces = 0;
336  for (iteF=latt.begin(); iteF!=latt.end(); ++iteF) {
337  std::vector< ListOfFaces >::const_iterator iteFF;
338  for (iteFF=iteF->begin(); iteFF!=iteF->end(); ++iteFF) {
339  this_stream << dimReadFaces << " " << iteFF->size() << " ";
340  ListOfFaces::const_iterator iteFFF;
341  for (iteFFF=iteFF->begin(); iteFFF!=iteFF->end(); ++iteFFF)
342  this_stream << *iteFFF << " ";
343  this_stream << std::endl;
344  }
345  ++dimReadFaces;
346  }
347 }
349 MinkowskiSum::MinkowskiSum(const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn> >& arrayOfPolytopes, boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& C) {
351  boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn> currentSum = *(arrayOfPolytopes.begin());
352  boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn> A = currentSum;
353  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> > listOfGenerators_A, listOfGenerators_B, listOfGenerators_C;
354  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> > listOfDualCones_A, listOfDualCones_B, listOfDualCones_C;
355  // Build the list of vertices and dual cones for the first operand.
356  {for (unsigned int i=0; i<A->numberOfGenerators(); ++i) {
357  listOfGenerators_A.push_back(A->getGenerator(i));
358  const boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn>& cone_a = A->getPrimalCone( A->getGenerator(i) );
359  listOfDualCones_A.push_back( cone_a->computeDualPolyhedralCone() );
360  }}
361  {
362  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn> >::const_iterator itePol;
363  for (itePol = arrayOfPolytopes.begin()+1; itePol != arrayOfPolytopes.end(); ++itePol) {
364  boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn> B = *itePol;
365  {for (unsigned int i=0; i<B->numberOfGenerators(); ++i) {
366  listOfGenerators_B.push_back(B->getGenerator(i));
367  const boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn>& cone_b = B->getPrimalCone( B->getGenerator(i) );
368  listOfDualCones_B.push_back( cone_b->computeDualPolyhedralCone() );
369  }}
370  _A2C.resize(listOfGenerators_A.size());
371  _B2C.resize(listOfGenerators_B.size());
373  _MinkowskiDecomposition.clear();
374  computeCommonRefinement(listOfGenerators_A, listOfGenerators_B, listOfGenerators_C, listOfDualCones_A, listOfDualCones_B, listOfDualCones_C);
375  listOfDualCones_A.clear();
376  listOfDualCones_A.swap(listOfDualCones_C);
377  listOfGenerators_A.clear();
378  listOfGenerators_A.swap(listOfGenerators_C);
379  listOfGenerators_C.clear();
380  listOfGenerators_B.clear();
381  listOfDualCones_C.clear();
382  listOfDualCones_B.clear();
383  }
384  }
385  // The global common refinement is in A now.
386  MinkowskiSum globalSum;
387  globalSum._sum = C;
388  globalSum._A2C = _A2C;
389  globalSum._B2C = _B2C;
390  globalSum._NF_Cones = listOfDualCones_A;
391  globalSum._NF_Vertices = listOfGenerators_A;
394  // Build the final sum.
395  globalSum.processNormalFan2();
396 }
399  const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> >& listOfGenerators_A,
400  const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> >& listOfGenerators_B,
401  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> >& listOfGenerators_C,
402  const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> >& listOfDualCones_A,
403  const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> >& listOfDualCones_B,
404  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> >& listOfDualCones_C) throw (std::domain_error) {
405  if (listOfGenerators_A.size()==0 || listOfGenerators_B.size()==0)
406  throw std::domain_error("MinkowskiSum::computeCommonRefinement() cannot work without vertices.");
407  unsigned int RnDIM = Rn::getDimension();
408  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> >::const_iterator LVX_A, LVX_B;
409  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> >::const_iterator LPC_A, LPC_B;
410  unsigned int minkowskiVertexNumber=0;
411  {for (LPC_B=listOfDualCones_B.begin(), LVX_B=listOfGenerators_B.begin(); LPC_B!=listOfDualCones_B.end(); ++LPC_B, ++LVX_B) {
412  boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> Cb = *(LPC_B);
413  {for (LPC_A=listOfDualCones_A.begin(), LVX_A=listOfGenerators_A.begin(); LPC_A!=listOfDualCones_A.end(); ++LPC_A, ++LVX_A) {
414  unsigned int a_i = LPC_A-listOfDualCones_A.begin();
415  unsigned int b_j = LPC_B-listOfDualCones_B.begin();
416  boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> Ca = *(LPC_A);
417 #ifdef DEBUG
418  //std::cout << "=== Cone from A number " << LPC_A.currentIteratorNumber() << std::endl;
419  //std::cout << "=== Cone from B number " << LPC_B.currentIteratorNumber() << std::endl;
420  //std::ostringstream stream_A_;
421  //stream_A_ << "EX/ConeA";
422  //stream_A_ << LPC_A.currentIteratorNumber();
423  //stream_A_ << ".pcon";
424  //std::string coneAfile_ = stream_A_.str();
425  // Primal cones.
426  //IO_Polytope::save(coneAfile_, LPC_A.current());
427  //LPC_A.current()->checkTopologyAndGeometry();
428  //std::ostringstream stream_B_;
429  //stream_B_ << "EX/ConeB";
430  //stream_B_ << LPC_B.currentIteratorNumber();
431  //stream_B_ << ".pcon";
432  //std::string coneBfile_ = stream_B_.str();
433  //IO_Polytope::save(coneBfile_, LPC_B.current());
434  //LPC_B.current()->checkTopologyAndGeometry();
435 #endif
436  boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> intersectionCone;
437  intersectionCone.reset(new PolyhedralCone_Rn());
438 #ifdef DEBUG
439  //unsigned int i=LPC_A.currentIteratorNumber();
440  //unsigned int j=LPC_B.currentIteratorNumber();
441  //std::cout << "=== Cone from A number " << i << std::endl;
442  //std::cout << "=== Cone from B number " << j << std::endl;
443  //std::ostringstream stream_A;
444  //stream_A << "EX/ConeA";
445  //stream_A << i;
446  //stream_A << ".pcon";
447  //std::string coneAfile = stream_A.str();
448  //IO_Polytope::save(coneAfile, Ca);
449  //Ca->checkTopologyAndGeometry();
450  //std::ostringstream stream_B;
451  //stream_B << "EX/ConeB";
452  //stream_B << j;
453  //stream_B << ".pcon";
454  //std::string coneBfile = stream_B.str();
455  //IO_Polytope::save(coneBfile, Cb);
456  //Cb->checkTopologyAndGeometry();
457 #endif
458  // Fill the data structures.
459  int truncationStep = Ca->numberOfHalfSpaces();
461  for (iteHSA.begin(); iteHSA.end()!=true; iteHSA.next())
462  intersectionCone->addHalfSpace(iteHSA.current());
464  for (iteGNA.begin(); iteGNA.end()!=true; iteGNA.next()) {
465  // Make a deep copy of each generator
466  boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> gn(new Generator_Rn( *(iteGNA.current()) ));
467  intersectionCone->addGenerator(gn);
468  }
470  for (iteHSB.begin(); iteHSB.end()!=true; iteHSB.next())
471  intersectionCone->addHalfSpace(iteHSB.current());
472  // Compute the intersection between the two polyhedral cones.
473  //bool notEmpty = intersectionCone->truncate(truncationStep);
474  //std::cout << iteHS.current()->getConstant() << "\t";
476  lexmin_ite(intersectionCone->getListOfHalfSpaces());
477  //NoRedundancyProcessing< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> > NRP;
478  StrongRedundancyProcessing< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> > NRP(intersectionCone->neigbourhoodCondition());
480  boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn>,
482  //NoRedundancyProcessing< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> > >
484  DD(intersectionCone, lexmin_ite, NRP, truncationStep);
485  bool notEmpty = !DD.getIsEmpty();
486 #ifdef DEBUG
487  std::cout << "@@@ nbEDG=" << intersectionCone->numberOfGenerators() << "( ";
488 #endif
489  // The second test is necessary when dealing with parallelism.
490  if (notEmpty == true && intersectionCone->numberOfGenerators() >= RnDIM) {
491  listOfDualCones_C.push_back(intersectionCone);
492  boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> VX(new Generator_Rn(RnDIM));
493  VX->makeSum(*LVX_A, *LVX_B);
494 #ifdef DEBUG
495  for (unsigned int k=0; k<RnDIM; k++) {
496  std::cout << (*LVX_A)->getCoordinate(k) << "+" << (*LVX_B)->getCoordinate(k)
497  << "=" << VX->getCoordinate(k) << "\t";
498  }
499  //unsigned int u=LPC_A.currentIteratorNumber();
500  //unsigned int v=LPC_B.currentIteratorNumber();
501  //std::ostringstream stream_C;
502  //stream_C << "EX_2/ConeC";
503  //stream_C << minkowskiVertexNumber;
504  //stream_C << "--";
505  //stream_C << u;
506  //stream_C << "_";
507  //stream_C << v;
508  //stream_C << ".pcon";
509  //std::string coneCfile = stream_C.str();
510  //intersectionCone->checkTopologyAndGeometry();
511  //IO_Polytope::save(coneCfile, intersectionCone);
512 #endif
513  listOfGenerators_C.push_back(VX);
514  // Now store the bijection (a_i, b_j) <-> c_k
515  _MinkowskiDecomposition.push_back( std::make_pair(a_i, b_j) );
516  _MinkowskiDecompositionOK.push_back(true);
517  // Now write the connection between a_i and c_k and also between b_j and c_k.
518  _A2C[a_i].push_back(minkowskiVertexNumber);
519  _B2C[b_j].push_back(minkowskiVertexNumber);
520  ++minkowskiVertexNumber;
521  }
522 #ifdef DEBUG
523  std::cout << ")" << std::endl;
524 #endif
525  }}
526  }}
527 }
529 boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn> MinkowskiSum::compute() throw (std::domain_error) {
530  if (_firstOperand->numberOfGenerators()==0 || _firstOperand->numberOfHalfSpaces()==0 ||
531  _secondOperand->numberOfGenerators()==0 || _secondOperand->numberOfHalfSpaces()==0)
532  throw std::domain_error("MinkowskiSum::compute() needs two double-description polytopes i.e. with both vertices and half-spaces.");
534  //minkowskiVertices(i,j)==1 <=> a_i + b_j is a Minkowski vertex.
535  //MinkowskiDecomposition[k] = (a_i,b_j) <=> c_k = a_i + b_j is a Minkowski vertex.
536  //_neighboursA(a_i,a_j)==1 <=> a_i R a_j
537  //_neighboursB(b_i,b_j)==1 <=> b_u R b_v
538  //_neighboursA.resize(_firstOperand->numberOfGenerators());
539  //_neighboursB.resize(_secondOperand->numberOfGenerators());
540  // _firstOperand->fillNeighbourMatrix(_neighboursA, RnDIM-1);
541  //_secondOperand->fillNeighbourMatrix(_neighboursB, RnDIM-1);
542  //std::cout << "_neighboursA: " << std::endl;
543  //{for (unsigned int i=0; i<_neighboursA.size(); ++i) {
544  //std::cout << i << ": ";
545  //std::copy(_neighboursA[i].begin(), _neighboursA[i].end(), std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int>(std::cout, " ") );
546  //std::cout << std::endl;
547  //}}
548  //std::cout << "_neighboursB: " << std::endl;
549  //{for (unsigned int i=0; i<_neighboursB.size(); ++i) {
550  //std::cout << i << ": ";
551  //std::copy(_neighboursB[i].begin(), _neighboursB[i].end(), std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int>(std::cout, " ") );
552  //std::cout << std::endl;
553  //}}
555  // Give the relation between a vertex of A and all of its associated Minkowski vertices i.e. its polyhedrical cap
556  // _A2C[i] = [ c_u, c_v, ... ] }
557  // } => c_u = a_i + b_j
558  // _B2C[j] = [ c_u, c_w, ... ] }
559  _A2C.resize(_firstOperand->numberOfGenerators());
560  _B2C.resize(_secondOperand->numberOfGenerators());
561  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> > listOfGenerators_A;
562  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> > listOfGenerators_B;
563  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> > listOfDualCones_A;
564  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> > listOfDualCones_B;
565  {for (unsigned int i=0; i<_firstOperand->numberOfGenerators(); ++i) {
566  listOfGenerators_A.push_back(_firstOperand->getGenerator(i));
567  const boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn>& cone_a = _firstOperand->getPrimalCone( _firstOperand->getGenerator(i) );
568  listOfDualCones_A.push_back( cone_a->computeDualPolyhedralCone() );
569  }}
570  {for (unsigned int i=0; i<_secondOperand->numberOfGenerators(); ++i) {
571  listOfGenerators_B.push_back(_secondOperand->getGenerator(i));
572  const boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn>& cone_b = _secondOperand->getPrimalCone( _secondOperand->getGenerator(i) );
573  listOfDualCones_B.push_back( cone_b->computeDualPolyhedralCone() );
574  }}
576  computeCommonRefinement(listOfGenerators_A, listOfGenerators_B, _NF_Vertices, listOfDualCones_A, listOfDualCones_B, _NF_Cones);
580  //_sum->checkTopologyAndGeometry();
581  return _sum;
582 }
585 {
586  unsigned int RnDIM=Rn::getDimension();
587  double TOL=Rn::getTolerance();
589  boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> matOfVtx(_NF_Vertices.size(), RnDIM);
590  {
591  unsigned int vtxNumber=0;
592  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> >::iterator iteVX2;
593  {for (iteVX2 = _NF_Vertices.begin(); iteVX2!=_NF_Vertices.end(); ++iteVX2) {
594  boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_row< boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> > matRow(matOfVtx, vtxNumber);
595  std::copy( (*iteVX2)->begin(), (*iteVX2)->end(), matRow.begin());
596  ++vtxNumber;
597  }}
598  }
599  std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > VerticesPerFacet;
600  // To count the total number of edges
601  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > setOfAllHalfSpaces;
602  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> >::iterator iteVX = _NF_Vertices.begin();
603  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> >::iterator itePC = _NF_Cones.begin();
604  {for (; itePC!=_NF_Cones.end(); ++itePC, ++iteVX) {
605  // The big job begins
606  {for (unsigned int u=0; u<(*itePC)->numberOfGenerators(); ++u) {
607  // Build the corresponding half-space.
608  boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> HS;
609  HS.reset(new HalfSpace_Rn(RnDIM));
610  double sum=0.;
611  // The normal vector
612  for (unsigned int coord_count=0; coord_count<RnDIM; coord_count++) {
613  double this_coord = (*itePC)->getGenerator(u)->getCoordinate(coord_count);
614  //HYP->setCoefficient(coord_count, iteEDG.current()->getCoordinate(coord_count));
615  HS->setCoefficient(coord_count, this_coord);
616  sum = sum + this_coord*(*iteVX)->getCoordinate(coord_count);
617  }
618  HS->setConstant(-sum);
619  // Prepare the array of vertices IN/ON.
620  std::vector< unsigned int > vtxStates;
621  double halfSpaceNorm = std::inner_product(HS->begin(), HS->end(), HS->begin(), 0.);
622  halfSpaceNorm = sqrt(halfSpaceNorm);
623  // Now iterate on the list of vertices to classify them.
624  boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> dist2Hyp = prod(matOfVtx, HS->vect());
625  // Possible future optimization in high dimensions
626  //boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> dist2Hyp(NF_Vertices.size());
627  //axpy_prod(matOfVtx, HS->vect(), dist2Hyp, true);
628  boost::numeric::ublas::scalar_vector<double> scalsum(_NF_Vertices.size(),sum);
629  dist2Hyp = dist2Hyp - scalsum;
630  dist2Hyp = dist2Hyp / halfSpaceNorm;;
631  {for (unsigned int vtxNumber2=0; vtxNumber2<dist2Hyp.size(); ++vtxNumber2) {
632  if (dist2Hyp(vtxNumber2) > TOL) {
633  // Nothing to do !
634  }
635  //else if (distanceToHyperplane < -TOL) {
636  //std::cerr.precision(15);
637  //std::cerr << "distanceToHyperplane=" << distanceToHyperplane;
638  //std::cerr << std::endl;
639  //HS->dump(std::cerr);
640  //std::cerr << std::endl;
641  //(*iteVX2)->dump(std::cerr);
642  //std::cerr << std::endl;
643  //throw std::domain_error("Polytope_Rn::processNormalFan2() current vertex is out !");
644  //}
645  else {
646  vtxStates.push_back(vtxNumber2);
647  }
648  }}
649  // Now all the states are set for this current half-space.
651  bool inserted=false;
652  {for (unsigned int i=0; i<VerticesPerFacet.size() && inserted==false; ++i) {
653  if (VerticesPerFacet[i].size() == vtxStates.size()) {
654  if (VerticesPerFacet[i] == vtxStates)
655  inserted = true;
656  }
657  else if (VerticesPerFacet[i].size() > vtxStates.size()) {
658  if (std::includes(VerticesPerFacet[i].begin(), VerticesPerFacet[i].end(), vtxStates.begin(), vtxStates.end()) == true) {
659  // No need to do anything as the current set of
660  // generators is included in the set number j.
661  //std::cout << "false1 (size=" << i << ")" << std::endl;
662  inserted = true;
663  }
664  }
665  else {
666  if (std::includes(vtxStates.begin(), vtxStates.end(), VerticesPerFacet[i].begin(), VerticesPerFacet[i].end()) == true) {
667  VerticesPerFacet[i] = vtxStates;
668  setOfAllHalfSpaces[i] = HS;
669  inserted = true;
670  // Do not return yet as we could need to erase another cell in the array.
671  }
672  }
673  }}
674  if (inserted == false) {
675  VerticesPerFacet.push_back(vtxStates);
676  setOfAllHalfSpaces.push_back(HS);
677  //std::cout << "inserted at the end (" << VerticesPerFacet.size() << ")" << std::endl;
678  }
680  }} // {for (unsigned int u=0; u<(*itePC)->numberOfGenerators(); ++u) {
681  }} // {for (; itePC!=NF_Cones.end(); ++itePC, ++iteVX) {
683  // Last job: reconstruct the polytope
684  unsigned int vtxNb=0;
685  iteVX=_NF_Vertices.begin();
686  while (iteVX != _NF_Vertices.end()) {
687  // We insert a vertex only if it has the correct number of half-spaces.
688  // This is due to the fact that some dual cones have the right number of edges
689  // but in fact are "flat" numerically speaking so in the reduction process they
690  // "lose" edges and furthermore do not have at least RnDIM edges.
691  bool foundEnoughHS=false;
692  unsigned int nbHS=0;
693  {for (unsigned int i=0; i<VerticesPerFacet.size() && foundEnoughHS==false; ++i) {
694  {for (unsigned int j=0; j<VerticesPerFacet[i].size(); ++j) {
695  if (VerticesPerFacet[i][j] == vtxNb)
696  ++nbHS;
697  if (nbHS >= RnDIM)
698  foundEnoughHS = true;
699  }}
700  }}
701  if (foundEnoughHS == true) {
702  _sum->addGenerator( (*iteVX) );
703  }
704  else {
705  // A very important step if we want to use the array _MinkowskiDecomposition: some dual cones are flat
706  // so they lose edges during the process and have foundEnoughHS to false. So we need to mark them in
707  // the corresponding array.
708  _MinkowskiDecompositionOK[vtxNb] = false;
709  }
710  ++vtxNb;
711  ++iteVX;
712  }
713  {for (unsigned int i=0; i<VerticesPerFacet.size(); ++i) {
714  {for (unsigned int j=0; j<VerticesPerFacet[i].size(); ++j) {
715  // Give the vertex its corresponding facets.
716  _NF_Vertices[ VerticesPerFacet[i][j] ]->setFacet( setOfAllHalfSpaces[i] );
717  }}
718  _sum->addHalfSpace( setOfAllHalfSpaces[i], false);
719  }}
720 }
723 {
724  unsigned int RnDIM=Rn::getDimension();
725  double TOL=Rn::getTolerance();
726  double TOL2=TOL*TOL;
727  // Give the relation between a vertex of A and all of its associated Minkowski vertices i.e. its polyhedrical cap
728  // _A2C[i] = [ c_u, c_v, ... ] }
729  // } => c_u = a_i + b_j
730  // _B2C[j] = [ c_u, c_w, ... ] }
731  // minkowskiVertices(i,j)==1 <=> a_i + b_j is a Minkowski vertex.
732  // MinkowskiDecomposition[k] = (a_i,b_j) <=> c_k = a_i + b_j is a Minkowski vertex.
733  // _neighboursA(a_i,a_j)==1 <=> a_i R a_j
734  // _neighboursB(b_i,b_j)==1 <=> b_u R b_v
735  unsigned int currentNumber=0;
736  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > setOfAllHalfSpaces;
737  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> >::iterator iteVX = _NF_Vertices.begin();
738  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> >::iterator itePC = _NF_Cones.begin();
739  // Map between an edge and its norm
740  std::map< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn>, double > allEdgesNorms;
741  {for (; itePC!=_NF_Cones.end(); ++itePC, ++iteVX) {
742  // Build a half-space from the dual polyhedral cone generator.
743  // So iterate on the list of its edges.
745  // First of all get the ancestors of the current Minkowski vertex
746  unsigned int a_i = _MinkowskiDecomposition[ currentNumber ].first;
747  unsigned int b_j = _MinkowskiDecomposition[ currentNumber ].second;
748  // Now get all of their facet neighbours
749  // Now inspect all the possible combinations to know whether they provide a Minkowski vertex.
750  std::vector< unsigned int > c_kMinkowskiVertices;
751  std::vector< unsigned int >::const_iterator iteNgb;
752  // Now get all a_i neighbours and find their contributions in terms of Minkowski vertices
753  {for (unsigned int j=0; j<_neighboursA[a_i].size(); ++j) {
754  unsigned int a_i_ngb = _neighboursA[a_i][j];
755  {for (unsigned int k=0; k<_A2C[a_i_ngb].size(); ++k) {
756  // Make sure we will not process the current normal fan with itself.
757  if (_A2C[a_i_ngb][k] != currentNumber)
758  c_kMinkowskiVertices.push_back( _A2C[a_i_ngb][k] );
759  }}
760  }}
761  {for (unsigned int i=0; i<_neighboursB[b_j].size(); ++i) {
762  unsigned int b_j_ngb=_neighboursB[b_j][i];
763  {for (unsigned int k=0; k<_B2C[b_j_ngb].size(); ++k) {
764  if (_B2C[b_j_ngb][k] != currentNumber)
765  c_kMinkowskiVertices.push_back( _B2C[b_j_ngb][k] );
766  }}
767  }}
768  //std::copy(c_kMinkowskiVertices.begin(), c_kMinkowskiVertices.end(), std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int>(std::cout, " ") );
770  // The big job begins
771  {for (unsigned int u=0; u<(*itePC)->numberOfGenerators(); ++u) {
772  // Build the corresponding half-space.
773  boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> HS;
774  HS.reset(new HalfSpace_Rn(RnDIM));
775  double sum=0.;
776  // The normal vector
777  for (unsigned int coord_count=0; coord_count<RnDIM; coord_count++) {
778  double this_coord = (*itePC)->getGenerator(u)->getCoordinate(coord_count);
779  //HYP->setCoefficient(coord_count, iteEDG.current()->getCoordinate(coord_count));
780  HS->setCoefficient(coord_count, this_coord);
781  sum = sum + this_coord*(*iteVX)->getCoordinate(coord_count);
782  }
783  HS->setConstant(-sum);
784  const boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn>& gn1=(*itePC)->getGenerator(u);
785  double gn1_sum2 = std::inner_product(gn1->begin(), gn1->end(), gn1->begin(), 0.);
786  {for (iteNgb=c_kMinkowskiVertices.begin(); iteNgb!=c_kMinkowskiVertices.end(); ++iteNgb) {
787  // Check all generators of the neighbour cone against the current one.
788  bool check=true;
789  {for (unsigned int v=0; v<_NF_Cones[*iteNgb]->numberOfGenerators() && check==true; ++v) {
790  const boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn>& gn2=_NF_Cones[*iteNgb]->getGenerator(v);
791  double scal_prod = std::inner_product(gn1->begin(), gn1->end(), gn2->begin(), 0.);
792  if (scal_prod > 0.) {
793  double coef1 = scal_prod / gn1_sum2;
794  // Check whether the current edge is in the "tube" of the second one, if not switch them.
795  if (gn1->getNormalDistance(gn2, coef1, RnDIM) < TOL2) {
796  // We found a copy of the current edge so remove it from the explored polyhedrical cone.
797  _NF_Cones[*iteNgb]->removeGenerator(v);
798  _NF_Vertices[*iteNgb]->setFacet(HS);
799  check = false;
800  }
801  else if (scal_prod > 0.) {
802  double gn2_sum2 = 0.;
803  // First try to get the norm if it was previously computed
804  std::map< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn>, double >::iterator iteNorm = allEdgesNorms.find( gn2 );
805  if (iteNorm == allEdgesNorms.end())
806  gn2_sum2 = std::inner_product(gn2->begin(), gn2->end(), gn2->begin(), 0.);
807  else
808  gn2_sum2 = iteNorm->second;
809  double coef2 = scal_prod / gn2_sum2;
810  if (gn2->getNormalDistance(gn1, coef2, RnDIM) < TOL2) {
811  _NF_Cones[*iteNgb]->removeGenerator(v);
812  _NF_Vertices[*iteNgb]->setFacet(HS);
813  check = false;
814  if (iteNorm != allEdgesNorms.end())
815  allEdgesNorms.erase(iteNorm);
816  }
817  }
818  }
819  }}
820  }}
821  // Insert the half-space in the polytope list, if not already in,
822  // and insert it into the vertex facet list.
823  (*iteVX)->setFacet(HS);
824  setOfAllHalfSpaces.push_back( HS );
825  // Now remove the current generator as it has become useless.
826  (*itePC)->removeGenerator(u);
827  }} // {for (unsigned int u=0; u<(*itePC)->numberOfGenerators() ; ++u) {
829  // Insert the vertex into the polytope vertex list.
830  _sum->addGenerator( (*iteVX) );
831  ++currentNumber;
832  }} // {for (; itePC!=NF_Cones.end(); ++itePC, ++iteVX) {
834  // Check everything's fine
835  {for (itePC=_NF_Cones.begin(); itePC!=_NF_Cones.end(); ++itePC) {
836  if ((*itePC)->numberOfGenerators() != 0)
837  throw std::domain_error("MinkowskiSum::processNormalFan1() dual cones reduction not operational !");
838  }}
840  // Transfer all half-spaces into the main list.
841  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> >::const_iterator iteHS=setOfAllHalfSpaces.begin();
842  {for (iteHS=setOfAllHalfSpaces.begin(); iteHS!=setOfAllHalfSpaces.end(); ++iteHS) {
843  // Thanks to the previous work we do not need to check.
844  _sum->addHalfSpace( *iteHS, false);
845  }}
847 }
850 {
851  unsigned int RnDIM=Rn::getDimension();
853  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> >::iterator iteVX=_NF_Vertices.begin();
854  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> >::iterator itePC=_NF_Cones.begin();
855  for (; itePC!=_NF_Cones.end(); ++itePC, ++iteVX) {
856  // Build a half-space from the dual polyhedral cone generator.
857  // So iterate on the list of its edges.
859  //constIteratorOfListOfGenerators iteEDG(itePC.current()->getListOfGenerators());
860  //for (iteEDG.begin(); iteEDG.end()!=true; iteEDG.next()) {
861  for (unsigned int u=0; u<(*itePC)->numberOfGenerators(); u++) {
862  boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> HS;
863  HS.reset(new HalfSpace_Rn(RnDIM));
864  double sum=0.;
865  // The normal vector
866  for (unsigned int coord_count=0; coord_count<RnDIM; coord_count++) {
867  double this_coord = (*itePC)->getGenerator(u)->getCoordinate(coord_count);
868  //HYP->setCoefficient(coord_count, iteEDG.current()->getCoordinate(coord_count));
869  HS->setCoefficient(coord_count, this_coord);
870  sum = sum + this_coord*(*iteVX)->getCoordinate(coord_count);
871  }
872  HS->setConstant(-sum);
873  // Insert the half-space in the polytope list, if not already in,
874  // and insert it into the vertex facet list.
875  (*iteVX)->setFacet(_sum->addHalfSpace(HS, true));
876  }
877  // Insert the vertex into the polytope vertex list.
878  _sum->addGenerator( (*iteVX) );
879  }
881 }
883 //========================================================================================
887  const std::set< unsigned int >& firstOperandCaps,
888  const std::set< unsigned int >& secondOperandCaps,
889  std::set< unsigned int >& sumCaps) throw (std::domain_error)
890 {
891 #ifdef DEBUG
892  std::cout << "PseudoSumWithoutCaps::computeCapHalfSpaces()" << endl;
893 #endif
894  if (_sum->numberOfGenerators()==0)
895  throw std::domain_error("PseudoSumWithoutCaps::computeCapHalfSpaces() We need to compute the Minkowski sum first.");
897  // For each facet of the sum, store its vertices.
898  unsigned int facetNumber=0;
899  std::vector< std::vector<unsigned int> > listOfVerticesPerFacet(_sum->numberOfHalfSpaces());
901  {for (iteHS.begin(); iteHS.end()!=true; iteHS.next()) {
902 #ifdef DEBUG
903  std::cout << "facetNumber=" << facetNumber << ":";
904 #endif
906  {for (iteGN.begin(); iteGN.end()!=true; iteGN.next()) {
907  for (unsigned int i=0; i<iteGN.current()->numberOfFacets(); ++i) {
908  if (iteGN.current()->getFacet(i) == iteHS.current()) {
909  listOfVerticesPerFacet[facetNumber].push_back(iteGN.currentIteratorNumber());
910 #ifdef DEBUG
911  std::cout << " " << iteGN.currentIteratorNumber();
912 #endif
913  }
914  }
915  }}
916  ++facetNumber;
917 #ifdef DEBUG
918  std::cout << endl;
919 #endif
920  }}
922  // Reorder the data structures in the father class.
923  std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > thisMinkDecomposition;
924  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> > theseNF_Cones;
925  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> > theseNF_Vertices;
926  {for (unsigned int i=0; i<_MinkowskiDecompositionOK.size(); ++i) {
927  if (_MinkowskiDecompositionOK[i] == true) {
928  thisMinkDecomposition.push_back( _MinkowskiDecomposition[i] );
929  theseNF_Vertices.push_back( _NF_Vertices[i] );
930  theseNF_Cones.push_back( _NF_Cones[i] );
931  }
932  }}
933  _MinkowskiDecomposition = thisMinkDecomposition;
934  _NF_Vertices = theseNF_Vertices;
935  _NF_Cones = theseNF_Cones;
937  // Now facet by facet, decompose the Minkowski vertices into vertices of A and B.
938  unsigned int sumFacetNb = 0;
939  std::vector< std::vector<unsigned int> >::const_iterator itVtx = listOfVerticesPerFacet.begin();
940  {for (; itVtx!=listOfVerticesPerFacet.end(); ++itVtx) {
941  std::set< unsigned int > listOfVtxA, listOfVtxB;
942  std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator MinkVtx = itVtx->begin();
943 #ifdef DEBUG
944  std::cout << endl << "Compute F_A and F_B for facet " << sumFacetNb << endl;
945 #endif
946  {for (; MinkVtx!=itVtx->end(); ++MinkVtx) {
947  unsigned int MinkNumber = *MinkVtx;
948  listOfVtxA.insert( _MinkowskiDecomposition[MinkNumber].first );
949  listOfVtxB.insert( _MinkowskiDecomposition[MinkNumber].second);
950  }}
952  std::set<unsigned int> listOfFacetsOfVtxA;
953  std::set<unsigned int> tmpInterResForA, tmp2InterResForA;
954  std::set<unsigned int>::const_iterator itVtxNbOperand;
955  itVtxNbOperand = listOfVtxA.begin();
956  for (unsigned int ngb_count=0; ngb_count<_firstOperand->getGenerator(*itVtxNbOperand)->numberOfFacets(); ngb_count++) {
957  boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> Fi = _firstOperand->getGenerator(*itVtxNbOperand)->getFacet(ngb_count);
958  listOfFacetsOfVtxA.insert(_firstOperand->getHalfSpaceNumber(Fi));
959  }
960  //_firstOperand->getGenerator(*itVtxNbOperand)->exportFacets(listOfFacetsOfVtxA);
961 #ifdef DEBUG
962  std::cout << "F_A:";
963  std::cout << " V = {";
964  std::cout << " " << *itVtxNbOperand;
965 #endif
966  tmpInterResForA = listOfFacetsOfVtxA;
967  itVtxNbOperand++;
968  {for (; itVtxNbOperand!=listOfVtxA.end(); ++itVtxNbOperand) {
969 #ifdef DEBUG
970  std::cout << " " << *itVtxNbOperand;
971 #endif
972  std::set<unsigned int> curListOfFacetsOfVtxA;
973  for (unsigned int ngb_count=0; ngb_count<_firstOperand->getGenerator(*itVtxNbOperand)->numberOfFacets(); ngb_count++) {
974  boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> Fi = _firstOperand->getGenerator(*itVtxNbOperand)->getFacet(ngb_count);
975  curListOfFacetsOfVtxA.insert(_firstOperand->getHalfSpaceNumber(Fi));
976  }
977  tmp2InterResForA = tmpInterResForA;
978  tmpInterResForA.clear();
979  std::set_intersection(
980  tmp2InterResForA.begin(),
981  tmp2InterResForA.end(),
982  curListOfFacetsOfVtxA.begin(),
983  curListOfFacetsOfVtxA.end(),
984  std::inserter(tmpInterResForA, tmpInterResForA.end()));
985  if (listOfFacetsOfVtxA.empty() == true)
986  throw std::domain_error("PseudoSumWithoutCaps::computeCapHalfSpaces() the i-Face of polytope A has 0 half-space.");
987  }}
988 #ifdef DEBUG
989  std::cout << " }";
990 #endif
991  // At this step the half-spaces support of F_A are computed.
992  std::set<unsigned int> InterResForA;
993  std::set_intersection(
994  tmpInterResForA.begin(),
995  tmpInterResForA.end(),
996  firstOperandCaps.begin(),
997  firstOperandCaps.end(),
998  std::inserter(InterResForA, InterResForA.end()));
999 #ifdef DEBUG
1000  std::cout << " ; H = { ";
1001  std::copy(InterResForA.begin(), InterResForA.end(), std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int>(std::cout, " ") );
1002  //std::cout << listOfFacetsOfVtxA.size();
1003  std::cout << "}";
1004  std::cout << endl;
1005 #endif
1007  if (InterResForA.empty() != true)
1008  sumCaps.insert( sumFacetNb );
1009  else {
1011  // 2nd part //
1013  // Get the facets of all the vertices of the j-face in B and intersect them to extract the support.
1014  std::set<unsigned int> listOfFacetsOfVtxB;
1015  std::set<unsigned int> tmpInterResForB, tmp2InterResForB;
1016  itVtxNbOperand = listOfVtxB.begin();
1017  for (unsigned int ngb_count=0; ngb_count<_secondOperand->getGenerator(*itVtxNbOperand)->numberOfFacets(); ngb_count++) {
1018  boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> Fi = _secondOperand->getGenerator(*itVtxNbOperand)->getFacet(ngb_count);
1019  listOfFacetsOfVtxB.insert(_secondOperand->getHalfSpaceNumber(Fi));
1020  }
1021 #ifdef DEBUG
1022  std::cout << "F_B:";
1023  std::cout << " V = {";
1024  std::cout << " " << *itVtxNbOperand;
1025 #endif
1026  tmpInterResForB = listOfFacetsOfVtxB;
1027  itVtxNbOperand++;
1028  {for (; itVtxNbOperand!=listOfVtxB.end(); ++itVtxNbOperand) {
1029 #ifdef DEBUG
1030  std::cout << " " << *itVtxNbOperand;
1031 #endif
1032  std::set<unsigned int> curListOfFacetsOfVtxB;
1033  for (unsigned int ngb_count=0; ngb_count<_secondOperand->getGenerator(*itVtxNbOperand)->numberOfFacets(); ngb_count++) {
1034  boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> Fi = _secondOperand->getGenerator(*itVtxNbOperand)->getFacet(ngb_count);
1035  curListOfFacetsOfVtxB.insert(_secondOperand->getHalfSpaceNumber(Fi));
1036  }
1037  tmp2InterResForB = tmpInterResForB;
1038  tmpInterResForB.clear();
1039  std::set_intersection(
1040  tmp2InterResForB.begin(),
1041  tmp2InterResForB.end(),
1042  curListOfFacetsOfVtxB.begin(),
1043  curListOfFacetsOfVtxB.end(),
1044  std::inserter(tmpInterResForB, tmpInterResForB.end()));
1045  if (listOfFacetsOfVtxB.empty() == true)
1046  throw std::domain_error("PseudoSumWithoutCaps::computeCapHalfSpaces() the j-Face of polytope B has 0 half-space.");
1047  }}
1048 #ifdef DEBUG
1049  std::cout << " }";
1050 #endif
1051  // Now we have all the geometric supports of F_B, see whether there is a cap half-space inside.
1052  std::set<unsigned int> InterResForB;
1053  std::set_intersection(
1054  tmpInterResForB.begin(),
1055  tmpInterResForB.end(),
1056  secondOperandCaps.begin(),
1057  secondOperandCaps.end(),
1058  std::inserter(InterResForB, InterResForB.end()));
1059 #ifdef DEBUG
1060  std::cout << " ; H = { ";
1061  std::copy(InterResForB.begin(), InterResForB.end(), std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int>(std::cout, " ") );
1062  //std::cout << listOfFacetsOfVtxB.size();
1063  std::cout << "}";
1064  std::cout << endl;
1065 #endif
1067  // If at least one cap half-space is in listOfFacetsOfVtxA or listOfFacetsOfVtxB then the current half-space of the sum is capped too.
1068  if (InterResForB.empty() != true)
1069  sumCaps.insert( sumFacetNb );
1070  }
1072  sumFacetNb++;
1073  }}
1075 }
1077 // Remove the cap half-spaces stored in sets and then truncate again.
1078 boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn> PseudoSumWithoutCaps::rebuildSum(
1079  const std::set<unsigned int>& firstOperandCaps,
1080  const std::set<unsigned int>& secondOperandCaps,
1081  std::set<unsigned int>& newCaps,
1082  double bb_size)
1083 {
1084  if (_sum->numberOfHalfSpaces() == 0 || _sum->numberOfGeneratorsPerFacet() == 0)
1085  throw std::domain_error("PseudoSumWithoutCaps::rebuildSum() _sum is not computed.");
1087  std::set< unsigned int > sumCaps;
1088  computeCapHalfSpaces(firstOperandCaps, secondOperandCaps, sumCaps);
1089 #ifdef DEBUG
1090  std::cout << "firstOperandCaps=" << firstOperandCaps.size() << std::endl;
1091  std::cout << "secondOperandCaps=" << secondOperandCaps.size() << std::endl;
1092  std::cout << "sumCaps=" << sumCaps.size() << std::endl;
1093 #endif
1095  // Now remove all cap half-spaces from the current polytope and create another one without them.
1096  boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn> newSum;
1097  newSum.reset(new Polytope_Rn());
1098  newSum->createBoundingBox(bb_size);
1099  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > tryCapsForNewSum;
1100  // Create the new cap half-spaces.
1101  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > iteHS1(newSum->getListOfHalfSpaces());
1102  for (iteHS1.begin(); iteHS1.end()!=true; iteHS1.next()) {
1103  tryCapsForNewSum.push_back(iteHS1.current());
1104  }
1105  // Copy the non cap half-spaces.
1107  for (iteHS2.begin(); iteHS2.end()!=true; iteHS2.next()) {
1108  if (sumCaps.find(iteHS2.currentIteratorNumber()) == sumCaps.end())
1109  newSum->addHalfSpace(iteHS2.current());
1110  }
1112  // Now the truncation.
1113  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > lexmin_ite(newSum->getListOfHalfSpaces());
1114  StrongRedundancyProcessing< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> > NRP(newSum->neigbourhoodCondition());
1115  // The number of facets for a cube.
1116  unsigned int truncationStep = 2*Rn::getDimension();
1118  boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn>,
1121  DD(newSum, lexmin_ite, NRP, truncationStep);
1123  // Build the new list of cap half-spaces for _sum
1124  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > iteHS3(newSum->getListOfHalfSpaces());
1125  for (iteHS3.begin(); iteHS3.end()!=true; iteHS3.next()) {
1126  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> >::const_iterator iteCaps = tryCapsForNewSum.begin();
1127  for (; iteCaps!=tryCapsForNewSum.end(); ++iteCaps) {
1128  if (iteHS3.current() == *iteCaps) {
1129  newCaps.insert(iteHS3.currentIteratorNumber());
1130  break;
1131  }
1132  }
1133  }
1134  _sum = newSum;
1136  return newSum;
1137 }
1139 //========================================================================================
1142  const boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& A,
1143  const boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& B,
1144  boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& C,
1145  const std::set< unsigned int >& firstOperandCaps,
1146  const std::set< unsigned int >& secondOperandCaps,
1147  std::set< unsigned int >& newCaps,
1148  double bb_size) {
1150  // Prepare the intersection polytope.
1151  C.reset(new Polytope_Rn());
1152  C->createBoundingBox(bb_size);
1153  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > RnCaps;
1154  // Get the cube cap half-spaces
1156  for (iteHS0.begin(); iteHS0.end()!=true; iteHS0.next()) {
1157  RnCaps.push_back(iteHS0.current());
1158  }
1159  // Copy the non cap half-spaces of A.
1161  for (iteHS1.begin(); iteHS1.end()!=true; iteHS1.next()) {
1162  if (firstOperandCaps.find(iteHS1.currentIteratorNumber()) == firstOperandCaps.end())
1163  C->addHalfSpace(iteHS1.current());
1164  }
1165  // Copy the non cap half-spaces of B.
1167  for (iteHS2.begin(); iteHS2.end()!=true; iteHS2.next()) {
1168  if (secondOperandCaps.find(iteHS2.currentIteratorNumber()) == secondOperandCaps.end())
1169  C->addHalfSpace(iteHS2.current());
1170  }
1172  // Now the truncation.
1173  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > lexmin_ite(C->getListOfHalfSpaces());
1174  StrongRedundancyProcessing< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> > NRP(C->neigbourhoodCondition());
1175  // The number of facets for a cube.
1176  unsigned int truncationStep = 2*Rn::getDimension();
1178  boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn>,
1181  DD(C, lexmin_ite, NRP, truncationStep);
1183  // Build the new list of cap half-spaces for C
1184  newCaps.clear();
1185  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > iteHS3(C->getListOfHalfSpaces());
1186  for (iteHS3.begin(); iteHS3.end()!=true; iteHS3.next()) {
1187  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> >::const_iterator iteCaps = RnCaps.begin();
1188  for (; iteCaps!=RnCaps.end(); ++iteCaps) {
1189  if (iteHS3.current() == *iteCaps) {
1190  newCaps.insert(iteHS3.currentIteratorNumber());
1191  break;
1192  }
1193  }
1194  }
1195 }
1197 //========================================================================================
1199 int TopGeomTools::Translate(boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& pol, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>& v2t) {
1200  if (pol->numberOfGenerators() != 0) {
1202  {for (iteGN.begin(); iteGN.end()!=true; iteGN.next()) {
1203  const boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn>& v2_A = iteGN.current();
1204  boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> coord = v2_A->vect() + v2t;
1205  v2_A->setCoordinates(coord);
1206  }}
1207  }
1208  if (pol->numberOfHalfSpaces() != 0) {
1210  {for (iteHS.begin(); iteHS.end()!=true; iteHS.next()) {
1211  const boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn>& hs = iteHS.current();
1212  double prod = std::inner_product(hs->begin(), hs->end(), v2t.begin(), 0.);
1213  hs->setConstant( hs->getConstant()-prod );
1214  }}
1215  }
1216  return 0;
1217 }
1219 int TopGeomTools::GravityCenter(boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& pol, boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>& gravity_center) {
1220  if (pol->numberOfGenerators() != 0) {
1221  for (unsigned int i=0; i<gravity_center.size (); ++i)
1222  gravity_center(i) = 0.;
1224  {for (iteGN.begin(); iteGN.end()!=true; iteGN.next()) {
1225  gravity_center += iteGN.current()->vect();
1226  }}
1227  gravity_center /= pol->numberOfGenerators();
1228  }
1229  else
1230  throw std::domain_error("DoubleDescriptionFromGenerators::Compute() the polytope already does not have generators.");
1231  return 0;
1232 }
1234 int TopGeomTools::scalingFactor(boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& pol, double factor) {
1235  unsigned int dim = Rn::getDimension();
1236  if (fabs(factor) < Rn::getTolerance())
1237  throw std::domain_error("TopGeomTools::scalingFactor() scaling factor too small.");
1238  if (pol->numberOfGenerators() != 0) {
1240  {for (iteGN.begin(); iteGN.end()!=true; iteGN.next()) {
1241  for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
1242  iteGN.current()->setCoordinate(i, iteGN.current()->getCoordinate(i)*factor);
1243  }}
1244  }
1245  if (pol->numberOfHalfSpaces() != 0) {
1247  for (iteHS.begin(); iteHS.end()!=true; iteHS.next())
1248  iteHS.current()->setConstant( iteHS.current()->getConstant()*factor);
1249  }
1251  return 0;
1252 }
1255  const boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& original_pol,
1256  boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& polar_pol,
1257  bool forceComputation, double bb_size) throw (invalid_argument) {
1258  polar_pol.reset(new Polytope_Rn());
1259  unsigned int dim = original_pol->dimension();
1260  double TOL = Rn::getTolerance();
1261  if (original_pol->numberOfGenerators() != 0) {
1262  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> > iteGN(original_pol->getListOfGenerators());
1263  {for (iteGN.begin(); iteGN.end()!=true; iteGN.next()) {
1264  boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> HS;
1265  HS.reset(new HalfSpace_Rn(dim));
1266  HS->setConstant(1.);
1267  boost::numeric::ublas::vector< double >::const_iterator iteCoord = iteGN.current()->begin();
1268  unsigned int coord_count = 0;
1269  {for ( ; iteCoord != iteGN.current()->end(); ++iteCoord ) {
1270  //std::cout << *iteCoord << " ";
1271  HS->setCoefficient(coord_count, *iteCoord);
1272  ++coord_count;
1273  }}
1274  //std::cout << std::endl;
1275  polar_pol->addHalfSpace(HS);
1276  }}
1277  if (forceComputation == true) {
1278  try {
1279  polar_pol->createBoundingBox(bb_size);
1280  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > lexmin_ite(polar_pol->getListOfHalfSpaces());
1281  StrongRedundancyProcessing< boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn> > NRP(polar_pol->neigbourhoodCondition());
1282  // The number of facets for a cube.
1283  unsigned int truncationStep = 2*dim;
1285  boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn>,
1288  DD(polar_pol, lexmin_ite, NRP, truncationStep);
1289  }
1290  catch(invalid_argument& except) {
1291  cerr << "Invalid argument exception in TopGeomTools::PolarPolytope() " << except.what() << endl;
1292  return -1;
1293  }
1294  catch(out_of_range& except) {
1295  cerr << "Out of range exception in TopGeomTools::PolarPolytope() " << except.what() << endl;
1296  return -1;
1297  }
1298  catch(ios_base::failure& except) {
1299  cerr << "In/out exception in TopGeomTools::PolarPolytope() " << except.what() << endl;
1300  return -1;
1301  }
1302  catch(logic_error& except) {
1303  cerr << "Logic error exception in TopGeomTools::PolarPolytope() " << except.what() << endl;
1304  return -1;
1305  }
1306  catch(...) {
1307  cerr << "Unexpected exception caught in TopGeomTools::PolarPolytope() !" << endl;
1308  return -1;
1309  }
1310  }
1311  // Whether there were or not half-spaces, we leave now.
1312  return 0;
1313  }
1314  // At this step we know that generators were not provided.
1315  if (original_pol->numberOfHalfSpaces() != 0) {
1316  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > iteHS(original_pol->getListOfHalfSpaces());
1317  {for (iteHS.begin(); iteHS.end()!=true; iteHS.next()) {
1318  if (iteHS.current()->getConstant() < TOL)
1319  throw std::invalid_argument("TopGeomTools::PolarPolytope() the input polytope should contain the origin.");
1320  boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> copyOfHSCoef(iteHS.current()->vect());
1321  // Scale the hyperplane such as the constant is equal to 1.
1322  copyOfHSCoef = copyOfHSCoef / iteHS.current()->getConstant();
1323  boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> GN;
1324  GN.reset(new Generator_Rn(dim));
1325  GN->setCoordinates(copyOfHSCoef);
1326  //if (original_pol->numberOfGenerators() != 0) {
1327  //constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > polar_iteHS(polar_pol->getListOfHalfSpaces());
1328  //{for (polar_iteHS.begin(); polar_iteHS.end()!=true; polar_iteHS.next()) {
1329  //double halfSpaceNorm = std::inner_product(polar_iteHS.current()->begin(), polar_iteHS.current()->end(), polar_iteHS.current()->begin(), 0.);
1330  //halfSpaceNorm = sqrt(halfSpaceNorm);
1331  //double scalarProduct = std::inner_product(GN->begin(), GN->end(), polar_iteHS.current()->begin(), 0.);
1332  //double distanceToHyperplane = (scalarProduct+polar_iteHS.current()->getConstant()) / halfSpaceNorm;
1333  //if (distanceToHyperplane<TOL && distanceToHyperplane>-TOL)
1334  //GN->setFacet(polar_iteHS.current());
1335  //}}
1336  //}
1337  polar_pol->addGenerator(GN);
1338  }}
1339  }
1341  return 0;
1342 }
1345  const std::set< unsigned int >& listOfHyperplanes,
1346  const boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& original_pol,
1347  boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& proj_pol) throw (invalid_argument)
1348 {
1349  // Here we really need to work with Rn::getDimension()
1350  unsigned int currentDimension = Rn::getDimension();
1351  if (listOfHyperplanes.empty()==true || listOfHyperplanes.size()>Rn::getDimension())
1352  throw std::invalid_argument("TopGeomTools::projectPolytopeOnCanonicalHyperplanes() wrong list of hyperplanes to project");
1353  unsigned int projectedDimension = listOfHyperplanes.size();
1355  Rn::setDimension(projectedDimension);
1356  proj_pol.reset(new Polytope_Rn());
1358  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> > newArrayOfGN;
1359  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> > iteGN(original_pol->getListOfGenerators());
1360  {for (iteGN.begin(); iteGN.end()!=true; iteGN.next()) {
1361  unsigned int j = 0;
1362  boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> VX;
1363  VX.reset(new Generator_Rn(projectedDimension));
1364  for (unsigned int i=1; i<=currentDimension; ++i) {
1365  if (listOfHyperplanes.find(i) != listOfHyperplanes.end()) {
1366  // The direction i is significant so store the corresponding coordinate.
1367  VX->setCoordinate(j, iteGN.current()->getCoordinate(i-1));
1368  ++j;
1369  }
1370  }
1371  bool foundEqual = false;
1372  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> >::const_iterator iteNew = newArrayOfGN.begin();
1373  for ( ; iteNew != newArrayOfGN.end() && foundEqual == false; ++iteNew) {
1374  if (VX->distanceFrom(**iteNew) < Rn::getTolerance())
1375  foundEqual = true;
1376  }
1377  if (foundEqual == false)
1378  newArrayOfGN.push_back( VX );
1379  }}
1381  std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> >::const_iterator iteNew2 = newArrayOfGN.begin();
1382  for ( ; iteNew2 != newArrayOfGN.end(); ++iteNew2)
1383  proj_pol->addGenerator(*iteNew2);
1385  //std::cout << "DUMP" << std::endl;
1386  //proj_pol->dump(std::cout);
1388  DoubleDescriptionFromGenerators::Compute(proj_pol, 10000.);
1389  proj_pol->checkTopologyAndGeometry();
1391  Rn::setDimension(currentDimension);
1392  return 0;
1393 }
1396  const std::set< unsigned int >& originalSpaceDirections,
1397  unsigned int totalSpaceDimension,
1398  const boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& original_polytope,
1399  boost::shared_ptr<PolyhedralCone_Rn>& extruded_polyhedron) throw (invalid_argument) {
1401  unsigned int originalDimension = Rn::getDimension();
1402  if (originalSpaceDirections.empty()==true || originalSpaceDirections.size()>Rn::getDimension())
1403  throw std::invalid_argument("TopGeomTools::extrudeInCanonicalDirections() wrong definition of the original space");
1405  // Careful as we are going to mix the dimensions of the different spaces.
1406  Rn::setDimension(totalSpaceDimension);
1407  //extruded_polyhedron.reset(new PolyhedralCone_Rn());
1409  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> > iteHS(original_polytope->getListOfHalfSpaces());
1410  {for (iteHS.begin(); iteHS.end()!=true; iteHS.next()) {
1411  boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> newHS;
1412  newHS.reset(new HalfSpace_Rn(totalSpaceDimension));
1413  newHS->setConstant(iteHS.current()->getConstant());
1414  unsigned int shift = 0;
1415  for (unsigned int i=1; i<=totalSpaceDimension; ++i) {
1416  // Test whether i belong to the previously referenced directions.
1417  if (originalSpaceDirections.find(i) != originalSpaceDirections.end()) {
1418  newHS->setCoefficient(i-1, iteHS.current()->getCoefficient(i-shift-1));
1419  }
1420  else {
1421  newHS->setCoefficient(i-1, 0.);
1422  ++shift;
1423  }
1424  }
1425  extruded_polyhedron->addHalfSpace(newHS);
1427  }}
1429  // Back to the previous space
1430  Rn::setDimension(originalDimension);
1431  return 0;
1432 }
1434 //========================================================================================
1436 int DoubleDescriptionFromGenerators::Compute(boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& pol, double bb_size)
1437  throw (invalid_argument, out_of_range, ios_base::failure, logic_error) {
1438  unsigned int dim = pol->dimension();
1439  //double TOL = Rn::getTolerance();
1440  if (pol->numberOfHalfSpaces() != 0)
1441  throw std::domain_error("DoubleDescriptionFromGenerators::Compute() the polytope already has half-spaces.");
1442  if (pol->numberOfGenerators() == 0)
1443  throw std::domain_error("DoubleDescriptionFromGenerators::Compute() the polytope does not have generators.");
1444  // Step 1: computes the gravity center
1445  // Step 2: translate the polytope to have gravity centered on the origin
1446  // Step 3: turn the V-description polytope into its H-description polar
1447  // Step 4: get the V-description from the H-description polar
1448  // Step 5: get the polar of the polar
1449  // Step 6: translate it back
1451  // Step 1: compute the gravity center of the cloud of points.
1452  boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> gravity_center(dim);
1453  TopGeomTools::GravityCenter(pol, gravity_center);
1455  // Step 2: translate the cloud to have in centered on the origin.
1456  TopGeomTools::Translate(pol, -gravity_center);
1458  // Step 3: compute the polar H-description and truncate it.
1459  boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn> polar_pol(new Polytope_Rn());
1460  TopGeomTools::PolarPolytope(pol, polar_pol, true, bb_size);
1462  // Step 4: compute the polar of the polar.
1463  pol.reset(new Polytope_Rn());
1464  TopGeomTools::PolarPolytope(polar_pol, pol);
1466  // Step 5: translate it back.
1467  TopGeomTools::Translate(pol, gravity_center);
1469  return 0;
1470 }
1472 //========================================================================================
1474 // set palette defined ( 0 "#A90D0D", 0.25 "#22A90D", 0.50 "#0DA9A9", 0.75 "#FFFFFF", 1.0 "#C0C0C0" )
1475 // .. # The background color is set first, then the border colors, then the X & Y axis colors, then the plotting colors
1476 // set terminal png size 1280,960 #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff #000000
1477 // set output "biarn.png"
1478 // plot "biarn.dat" using 3:4:(($5)/1000.):6 with circles linecolor palette z fill solid border lt 1 notitle, 'biarn.dat' using ($3):($4):1 with labels notitle;void Visualization::gnuplot2D(const boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& polygon, const std::string& name, double col, std::ostream& out) throw (std::domain_error) {
1479 void Visualization::gnuplot2D(const boost::shared_ptr<Polytope_Rn>& polygon, const std::string& name, double col, std::ostream& out) throw (std::domain_error) {
1480  if (Rn::getDimension() != 2)
1481  throw std::domain_error("Visualization::gnuplot(std::ostream& out) dimension is not 2 ");
1482  out << "set object " << name << " polygon from ";
1483  boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> oldHS;
1484  boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> startVTX,referenceVTX;
1485  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> > LVX_A(polygon->getListOfGenerators());
1486  startVTX = LVX_A.current();
1487  std::set< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> > alreadyProcessedVTX;
1488  {for (LVX_A.begin(); LVX_A.end()!=true; LVX_A.next()) {
1489  if (alreadyProcessedVTX.find(LVX_A.current()) == alreadyProcessedVTX.end()) {
1490  referenceVTX = LVX_A.current();
1491  alreadyProcessedVTX.insert(referenceVTX);
1492  boost::shared_ptr<HalfSpace_Rn> referenceHS = referenceVTX->getFacet(0);
1493  if (referenceHS == oldHS)
1494  referenceHS = referenceVTX->getFacet(1);
1495  // Write the point
1496  out << LVX_A.current()->getCoordinate(0) << "," << LVX_A.current()->getCoordinate(1) << " to ";
1497  constIteratorOfListOfGeometricObjects< boost::shared_ptr<Generator_Rn> > LVX_B(polygon->getListOfGenerators());
1498  {for (LVX_B.begin(); LVX_B.end()!=true; LVX_B.next()) {
1499  if (alreadyProcessedVTX.find(LVX_B.current()) == alreadyProcessedVTX.end()) {
1500  if (referenceHS == LVX_B.current()->getFacet(0)) {
1501  referenceHS = referenceVTX->getFacet(1);
1502  // Write the point
1503  out << LVX_B.current()->getCoordinate(0) << "," << LVX_B.current()->getCoordinate(1) << " to ";
1504  referenceVTX = LVX_B.current();
1505  alreadyProcessedVTX.insert(referenceVTX);
1506  }
1507  else if (referenceHS == LVX_B.current()->getFacet(1)) {
1508  referenceHS = referenceVTX->getFacet(0);
1509  // Write the point
1510  out << LVX_B.current()->getCoordinate(0) << "," << LVX_B.current()->getCoordinate(1) << " to ";
1511  referenceVTX = LVX_B.current();
1512  alreadyProcessedVTX.insert(referenceVTX);
1513  }
1514  }
1515  }}
1516  }
1517  }}
1518  out << startVTX->getCoordinate(0) << "," << startVTX->getCoordinate(1);
1519  out << " lc palette " << col << std::endl;
1520  //set object 1 fc rgb '#000000' fillstyle solid lw 0
1521 }
static int PolarPolytope(const boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &original_pol, boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &polar_pol, bool forceComputation=true, double bb_size=1000.)
Compute the polar polytope.
std::vector< bool > _MinkowskiDecompositionOK
Tell whether _MinkowskiDecomposition had to be considered or not.
void printFacesWithVerticesToSage(std::ostream &this_ostream) const
static polito_EXPORT void setDimension(unsigned int dim)
Set the dimension for the cartesian space we work in.
Definition: Rn.cpp:27
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > _neighboursB
Store the neighbours of each vertex of B.
void printFacesWithVertices(std::ostream &this_ostream) const
Sets up the data structure for the computation of the Minkowski sum of two polytopes.
Model a polytope using its two equivalent definitions : the convex hull and the half-space intersecti...
Definition: Polytope_Rn.h:34
std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > > _allFacesWithFacets
int currentIteratorNumber() const
Return the current position in the list.
void processNormalFan1()
Do the final job after having intersected all dual cones. The reduction process uses neighbourhood pr...
A half-space whose frontier is a linear (n-1) dimension space. _constant + _coefficients[0].x1 + ... + _coefficients[n-1].xn >= 0.
Definition: HalfSpace_Rn.h:37
Model a polyhedral cone using its two equivalent definitions : the convex hull and the half-space int...
Compute the Minkowski sum of two polytopes.
std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > > _allFacesWithVertices
void printFacesWithFacets(std::ostream &this_ostream) const
static void gnuplot2D(const boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &polygon, const std::string &name, double col, std::ostream &out)
Provide the drwing of polygon under the gnuplot format.
static int extrudeInCanonicalDirections(const std::set< unsigned int > &originalSpaceDirections, unsigned int dimensionOfTotalSpace, const boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &original_polytope, boost::shared_ptr< PolyhedralCone_Rn > &extruded_polyhedron)
Compute the extrusion of a polytope belonging to a space S1 into a higher dimension space S2 followin...
const GEOMETRIC_OBJECT current()
Return the current geometric element.
static int scalingFactor(boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &pol, double factor)
Multiply a polytope by a given real number.
boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > rebuildSum(const std::set< unsigned int > &firstOperandCaps, const std::set< unsigned int > &secondOperandCaps, std::set< unsigned int > &newCaps, double bb_size=1000.)
Remove the cap half-spaces stored in sets and then truncate again.
boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > _sum
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > _A2C
Store the polyhedrical cap in C of each vertex of A.
std::vector< unsigned int > ListOfFaces
static int GravityCenter(boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &pol, boost::numeric::ublas::vector< double > &gravity_center)
Compute the gravity center of a given polytope.
const boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > _firstOperand
void begin()
Move the iterator at the beginning of the list.
void processNormalFan2()
Do the final job after having intersected all dual cones. The reduction process builds half-spaces an...
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > _neighboursA
Store the neighbours of each vertex of A.
static void ComputeWithFacets(const boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &A, FaceEnumeration &FaceEnum)
static polito_EXPORT double getTolerance()
Give the minimum distance between two points.
Definition: Rn.cpp:31
const boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > _secondOperand
Combinatorial face enumeration for polytopes.
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > _B2C
Store the polyhedrical cap in C of each vertex of B.
static void save(const std::string &filename, const std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > > &latt)
Save the polytope lattice.
static polito_EXPORT unsigned int getDimension()
Return the dimension of the cartesian space we work in.
Definition: Rn.cpp:29
This class can be more time-consuming than WeakRedundancyProcessing or NoRedundancyProcessing because...
A n-coordinates generator, which can be a vertex or an edge whether it is contained by a polytope or ...
Definition: Generator_Rn.h:38
static void ComputeWithVertices(const boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &A, FaceEnumeration &FaceEnum)
This class is designed to run the list of all geometric objects representing a polytope.
std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< PolyhedralCone_Rn > > _NF_Cones
The normal fan polyhedrical cones list.
void computeCommonRefinement(const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Generator_Rn > > &listOfGenerators_A, const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Generator_Rn > > &listOfGenerators_B, std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Generator_Rn > > &listOfGenerators_C, const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< PolyhedralCone_Rn > > &listOfDualCones_A, const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< PolyhedralCone_Rn > > &listOfDualCones_B, std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< PolyhedralCone_Rn > > &listOfDualCones_C)
Just compute the common refinement of the two operands normal fans.
static int projectPolytopeOnCanonicalHyperplanes(const std::set< unsigned int > &listOfHyperplanes, const boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &original_pol, boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &proj_pol)
Compute the projection of a polytope on the intersection of canonical hyperplanes of the shape xi = 0...
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > _MinkowskiDecomposition
Store the genitors in A and B of each vertex of C.
static void Compute(const boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &A)
void computeCapHalfSpaces(const std::set< unsigned int > &firstOperandCaps, const std::set< unsigned int > &secondOperandCaps, std::set< unsigned int > &sumCaps)
Return the cap half-spaces of the sum in function of the two operands cap half-spaces.
static int Translate(boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &pol, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector< double > &v2t)
Translate a polytope by the given vector.
PseudoIntersectionWithoutCaps(const boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &A, const boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &B, boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &C, const std::set< unsigned int > &firstOperandCaps, const std::set< unsigned int > &secondOperandCaps, std::set< unsigned int > &newCaps, double bb_size=1000.)
Remove all cap half-spaces and then compute the intersection of two capped polytopes.
static int Compute(boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > &pol, double bb_size=1000.)
Use the polarity to get the facets from the generators.
boost::shared_ptr< Polytope_Rn > compute()
Compute the common refinement of the two operands normal fans and then build the sum.
void processNormalFan0()
Do the final job after having intersected all dual cones. The reduction process simply compares all d...
The algorithm implemented here is an incremental algorithm as mentioned in How Good are Convex Hull ...
static void load(const std::string &filename, std::vector< std::vector< ListOfFaces > > &latt)
Load the polytope lattice.
std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Generator_Rn > > _NF_Vertices
The list of C vertices.